Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy (UFTA) is one of the premier Institutions under Uttarakhand Forest Department, with a distinction of imparting wide array of training to wide spectrum of candidates. It was established in 1979 as a part of Uttar Pradesh Forest Department.
Since its inception, UFTA has accomplished milestones of enormous magnitude and is ranked amongst the top Forestry Training Institutes of India. Under the management of Uttarakhand Forest Department, the UFTA imparts induction training to Range Officers, Foresters and Forest Guards. It also offers annual and quarterly courses to frontline staff, forest corporation staff, and van panchayat members. It is ideally located at Haldwani, which has train and bus connectivity to other cities like Dehradun, Delhi etc.
The administration of the academy is headed by an officer of the Indian Forest Services (IFS), of the rank of Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF). Number of Deputy Directors, both from Indian Forest Services as well as Provincial Forest Service, and Assistant Directors serve under him for the smooth functioning of administrative as well as academic works of the academy. Apart from these, academy has some other faculty members for imparting training to the trainees. Team of clerical staff, Range Officers, Foresters and Forest Guards carry out other day to day functions of the academy.
The institute has outstanding and sprawling infrastructure with large administrative and academic block, guest houses, Trainee hostels, mess, library, playground, souvenir shop etc. The library of UFTA is its big asset with an extensive collection of books. The administrative and teaching staff resides in the campus itself, offering Trainee a robust and sound technical and academic support round the clock. The UFTA administration ensures the availability of high end sophisticated gadgets for the training purpose so that the Trainee are accustomed to prevalent use of technologies in their fields.
To train and develop forest officers, forest staff, ministerial staff and representatives of Van Panchayat so that they may engage in the upliftment of forestry sector in the state while being driven by strong technical knowledge and passion for professional excellence.
To develop UFTA as a premier institute for the development of high quality human and knowledge resources in all the aspects of forestry, which not only meet the challenges being faced by the state of Uttarakhand but also stands out in the country.
- To impart multidisciplinary induction training to Range Officers, Foresters and Forest Guards in Forest Management aspects.
- To give refresher training to field staff in new and latest practices in forestry.
To impart quality training to ministerial staff. - To develop innovative modules for challenging training needs of Van Panchayats.
- To conduct skill enhancement courses for officers of all levels of Forest Department.
- To conduct subject specific training for larger audience like school teachers, students, public representatives, other departments, etc.
- To develop the computer skills of staff and officers by imparting regular trainings in usage of computer, process automation and GIS.
- To conduct team building exercise as well as strengthen the staff in sports activities
- To develop UFTA as one stop centre for all kinds of information related to forestry and to disseminate information through library, publications and web.