
Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy

Haldwani, Nainital (Uttarakhand)

Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy (UFTA) offers induction training for Range Officers, Foresters and Forest Guards. It also offers annual and quarterly courses to frontline staff, forest corporation employees, and van panchayat members. The courses offered by UFTA cover wide spectrum of Forestry subjects amalgamated with basics of IT and Disaster Management, with adherence to the syllabus recommended by MoEF, Govt. Of India.

In general trainings cover different aspects of forestry including forest protection, wildlife conservation and management, laws and regulations, silvicultural practices, soil and water conservation, environmental conservation, forest engineering and mensuration, community forestry, sustainable use of NTFP as well as weapons training, self defense training, regular physical training, outdoor activities like hiking, swimming etc. Not only this, candidates are trained in emerging tools and technologies like RS-GIS, GPS etc. along with basic and advanced computer skills.

Regular Induction Training Courses

Short Term Training Courses

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