
Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy

Haldwani, Nainital (Uttarakhand)

A Trainee will have to respond to all the questions given in the following format with her/his sincere effort and thought. Her/his identity will not be revealed

 Instructions to fill the questionnaire

  • All questions should be compulsorily attempted.
  • Each question has five responses, choose the most appropriate one.
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1. Botany
2. Mathematics
3. Applications of Modern Tools and Technology
4. Silviculture – I
5. Silviculture – II
6. Forest Resource Assessment
7. Forest Survey
8. Forest Engineering
9. Adverse Influences on Forests
10. Forest Utilization – I
11. PT
12. Games
13. Field Visit/Tour
14. Forest Policy and Law
15. Ecology and Environmental Sciences
16. Forest Utilization – II
17. Forest Resources Management
18. Natural Resource Management
19. Forest Economics
20. Biodiversity Conservation and Management
21. Joint Forest Management, Rural and Tribal Development
22. Human Resources Development and Management
23. Forest Accounts and Office Procedures.
24. Working Plan Exercise


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