
Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy

Haldwani, Nainital (Uttarakhand)

Training on skill development of Forest Guards from 20/1/25 to 22/1/25

A three day workshop on capacity development of forest guards was organized at Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy, Haldwani.

The objective of this workshop was to make forest guards aware about the Forest Act, forest policies and laws through theory and study and to promote efficiency. This workshop was inaugurated by Deputy Director Shri Suraj Tiwari on 20/1/25. The main topics of this workshop were GPS, Tranquilizer Gun, Camera Trap and their use, role of Forest Sub-Investigation Officer, knowledge of investigation related forms, study tour of Rescue Centre Ranibagh and high- Attitude zoological Park Nainital etc

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